Thursday, November 3, 2011

Max Power is going to Adepticon!

Hey all,

Tickets for the Adepticon Championships ( went on sale earlier this week. I was lucky enough to get the fourth to last ticket. I went to Adepticon last year, and the atmosphere is incredible - it's really a wonderfully run event. I played in the Gladiator, and got my rear handed to me. Lesson learned. The level of competition is much higher than normal game store tournaments. Two things need to happen before I head out there in April; I need to make sure my list is tweaked to be the best I can put on the table, and I need to get plenty of practice with the army. I don't want to be surprised by any limitations it might have.

The point level is 1850, which is a little smaller than what I've been running over the last few months. The NOVA Open and Carnage are both 2000. Deathwing have also been my primary tournament army for the last year, and I'll be changing that as well. I believe with the recent codex releases that the army is really showing it's age, even with the FAQ update. I'll be running Codex: Space Marines instead. Trying to choose which direction I would take with my marines was difficult - I'm a huge fan of Pedro Kantor, but I can't seem to make a list work with him as the HQ. Tried and true Vulkan He'stan will be leading my boys. Here is the list as it stands at the moment:


Vulkan He'stan

Librarian in Power Armor with Nullzone and Gate of Infinity


5 Assault Terminators with Thunderhammers/Stormshields


10 Tactical Marines with Melta, Missile Launcher, Rhino, Sergeant with Powerfist and Combi-Melta

10 Tactical Marines with Melta, Missile Launcher, Rhino, Sergeant with Powerfist and Combi-Melta

10 Tactical Marines with Flamer, Missile Launcher, Rhino, Sergeant with Power Weapon and Combi-Flamer

5 Scouts with Bolt Pistols/Close Combat Weapons, Sergeant with Melta Bombs

Fast Attack:

Land Speeder Storm with Multi-Melta

Land Speeder with Multi-Melta

Land Speeder with Multi-Melta

Heavy Support:

Land Raider Crusader with Multi-Melta and Extra Armor

Thunderfire Cannon

1850 points total.

It seems like a solid list. The one glaring deficiency that codex marines have as compared to the newer codices is the lack of cheap long range firepower. There is no way I'm going to get in a long range slug-fest with Space Wolves, Grey Knights, Imperial Guard, or Dark Eldar and win. Necrons remain to be seen. My plan is to close with my enemy quickly where my meltas and flamers will do the most damage. The thunderfire cannon is an amazing unit for taking down hordes - it's the most underrated unit in the codex in my opinion. The only other burning question I need to find an answer to is whether or not taking drop pods would be more beneficial. I don't like the idea of playing the reserve game, or feeding two of my tactical squads to the enemy first turn. Not to mention the lack of mobility. On the other hand, having to whether a turn or two of bullets in my direction before I get to grips with my opponent is unpleasant as well. I will have to play test both.

What do you guys think?

Also, Robin and I will be attending Carnage this weekend. I'll be taking pictures and notes so I can write up battle reports!


  1. I like the list. If I was facing this list I would prob focus fire on the Land Speeders, as they can quickly ruin my armor with their multimeltas. Then I would want to stop your rhinos from advancing down the table so they can't get close enough to my point(s). I would most likely not waste fire on the Landraider unless I could get a melta in range. If I destroyed your Land Speeders I would prob try to take out the Thunderfire cannon.

    Its hard to imagine how terrain may come into play and other random variables but I hope my own ideas of target priority help.

  2. You're absolutely correct, Talagand. The speeders are a magnet for fire, and often die before completing their mission. As a result, I've dropped the two multi-melta speeders, and knocked down the flamer tactical squad to a five man. I replaced all that with a five man sternguard squad with five combi-meltas in a drop pod. That squad GUARANTEES a dead high priority vehicle. Worth the investment in my opinion.

  3. Excellent choice. Sternguard are expensive but they are the best unit in the codex imo.

  4. Changes that you made are excellent MAX. Speeders are always the first to go!! Just try to keep the 5man tac in reserve to take late turn objectives!

    I also agree with you, Talagand, Sternguard are the best choice in the codex.
