Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Battle Report: 2,000 Points Marines vs. Dark Eldar

Hey all,

Robin and I played a game last week with me trying out a Vulkan list against his Dark Eldar. I had taken pictures of the games as it progressed but a) all my angles sucked, and you can't see half of the table, and b) most of the pictures were blurry. Lesson learned. The game was Seize Ground with Spearhead deployment.

Vulkan list:

Vulkan He'stan
Librarian with Nullzone and the Avenger
5 Thunderhammer/Stormshield Terminators
2x Ironclad Dreadnought with Melta/Heavy Flamer in a Drop Pod
10 man Tactical Squad with Melta/Missile Launcher, Sergeant with Combi-Melta/Powerfist in a Rhino
10 man Tactical Squad with Melta/Missile Launcher, Sergeant with Combi-Melta/Powerfist in a Drop Pod
5 Scouts with Sniper Rifles
3x Land Speeder with Multi-Melta/Typhoon Missile Launcher
Land Raider Crusader with Multi-Melta, Extra Armor

Dark Eldar List

2x5 Trueborn with 4 Blasters in a Venom with extra Splinter Cannon
5 Trueborn with 2 Splinter Cannons in a Venom with extra Splinter Cannon
2x10 Wyches with 2 Hydra Gauntlets, Hekatrix with Agonizer in a Raider with Flickerfields
9 Wyches, Hekatrix with Agonizer in a Raider with Flickerfields
2x5 Warriors with Blaster in a Raider with Flickerfields
3x Ravager with Flickerfields, Nightshields

Robin wins the roll to go first, and deploys defensively, but with good angles to shoot me.

My deployment saw me putting the Land Raider as far forward as I could, and trying to take advantage of meager cover.

I try to seize the initiative and fail. On to turn one!

Robin Turn One:

Robin moves forward with most of his stuff, leaving Vect to hang back and act as a counter unit. He spends the turn shooting at my speeders and rhino, and I waste all of my luck making cover saves for them. Last shot of the turn he wrecks my Land Raider. I fail my pinning check for Vulkan and friends. Off to a good start.

Max Turn One:

With Vulkan's unit pinned, I'm starting in a bad place. I figure this needs to be the turn where my shooting puts him on the back foot, or I'm not going to recover. My Dreadnoughts come down near his cluster of Ravagers, waiting to inflict harm. I pop smoke on my rhino and start shooting. With my speeders I manage to wreck a Raider with Warriors, and explode a Raider with Wyches inside, killing 4. He passes morale for the Wyches and pinning for both. My Dreadnoughts take aim against his Ravagers, and fail miserably. First dreadnought gets a penetrating hit against a Ravager, which Robin makes his Flickerfield save against. My second Dreadnought rolls a miss, and then another miss with twin-linked. I am fucked. Severely.

Robin Turn Two:

Robin decides to back up and let his shooting do the heavy lifting this turn. Venoms with blasters move up and nuke my Terminators, killing 3. Blasters from his Warrior squads manage to do nothing against a Dreadnought. His dark lances take down two of my Land Speeders, and shake the other dreadnought. Assault phase sees the now 6 man Wych squad charge my Dreadnought to no effect, while he passes his invulnerable save against me. Locked in combat.

Max Turn Two:

I roll my my reserves, and my Tactical marines don't bother coming in. I move my rhino up towards the warriors that are out in the open. They get out and rapid fire the the unit, and Robin makes all but one cover save. The rest of my shooting is completely ineffectual. Assault phase sees Vulkan and his squad charge the two Venoms, destroying them both. Dreadnought assaults one of the Ravagers, and misses all of it's attacks. Things are looking grim.

Robin's Turn Three:

He has me against the ropes, now it's time to finish me off. He moves forward to take advantage of all of his shooting, and brings a Wych squad forward to take on my Tactical squad. He moves a Ravager behind the Dreadnought that tried to assault it, and wrecks it. Further shooting destroys my final Land Speeder. Mass blaster and splinter cannon fire kills the rest of my Terminator squad - including Vulkan and the Librarian. The assault phase sees his Wyches finally get my Dreadnought with haywire grenades, and the Wyches take out most of the Tactical marines. At this point, I call the game. All I have left is the scout squad, the Tactical Squad coming in from reserve, and two immobile Drop Pods. It's clear to me I can't squeak a win out of this, and my dice don't want to cooperate.

End of game thoughts: I'll admit I'm pretty inexperienced with a drop pod list, and my dice weren't helping me at all. Robin played it perfectly against me too; he was content to sit back and shoot me until he was able to swoop in and fight on his terms. That's crucial for Dark Eldar, as you don't want to fight fair. Oh, and his ability to roll 6s is unreal :-P. I think I'll probably get rid of Vulkan in favor of Pedro. I'm also not crazy about the Dreadnoughts, so I'll probably stick with Sternguard. The jury is still out as to whether or not I want to continue using Drop Pods or stick with my normal Rhino rush list. Ultimately, I'm not practiced enough to bring this army to a tournament, so I'll be using my Deathwing for event until I get comfortable with it.

Hopefully you guys enjoy this format, as I'll be doing battle reports for my games at CarnageCon. With better pictures, I swear. Feel free to comment, we'd love to have some discussion.


Monday, October 24, 2011

They said I could be anything I wanted, so I became fabulous!

Guest post by Buddha.

Howdy folks, Buddha here. Max Power asked me to help and share my views on 40K gaming. Just a bit about me:

I am a 25 year old gamer who started playing with minis in 6th grade. I started playing 40k at the end of 2nd edition/start of 3rd, at DAKKA DAKKA. Currently, I run events at the Game Castle, and try to play when I can. I normally play Dark Angels green wing, so it's rare that I take terminators or bikes.

After many years of 40k and playing in countless events, I've developed a unique view on gaming. I play with a strategy of shock and confuse. Yes, you read that right, shock and confuse. I don't build my list to win. In fact, I take what are considered the oddest lists at my local store, and I am proud of it. I enjoy playing these lists for two main reasons: it makes the game a bit more of a challenge, and the look on my opponent's face is priceless when they try to figure out what I'm doing.

For my next post, I'll show you how rocking 60 scouts in a 1250 event is an awesome way to play a game.

Till then, I leave you with these parting words.

If you are strong feign weakness. If weak, pretend strength. Whatever your position, conceal it from the enemy, and he will waste his armies fighting his own phantoms.


I'm pleased to have Buddha as a guest author. His view on 40k will be a nice contrast to the more competitive material Robin and I bring. I plan on posting a battle report between Robin's Dark Eldar and my Vulkan marines in the next couple days. Hint: I got stomped.


Thursday, October 20, 2011

If you're not afraid of the dark now! YOU WILL BE!!

Some people might ask "why play Dark Eldar?". Let me tell you why! Other than having some of the best looking models in the game, they can dish out some mean firepower and have one of the nastiest close combat units out there. I would consider them to be one of the top three armies in the 40k Universe. In order, to play Dark Eldar you need think like a Dark Eldar. You have be murderous, vicious, cunning and just plain evil.
Let's take a look at the Pros and Cons of Dark Eldar!

- Firepower: dark lances, blasters and poison weapons. Dark lances and blasters take care of high armor & mech armies and poison weapons take care of the mass infantry & high toughness armies.
- Mobility: All our vehicles are fast vehicles.
- Agility: Having an average initiative of 5 or higher making troops faster than your enemy in h-t-h.

- FRAGILE, FRAGILE & MORE FRAGILE: Most of our vehicles have an armor value of 10 which makes them paper air planes. Having an average toughness of 3 makes our troops vulnerable to taking damage, and an armour save of 5+ or worse means Dark Eldar die easily to most basic weapons.

Now that we gone over some of the pros and cons, let's talk about how we can combine the strengths into a killing force, while minimizing the weaknesses. Dark Eldar need to establish ranged superiority as quickly as possible. It's all about blasters, dark lances and splinter cannons.

Take as many blasters and dark lances as you can. These nasty guns can tear through any armor out there. Being able to treat armor value greater than 12 as 12 makes this little gun a tank killer. Not to mention it's strength 8 and ap 2 can easily take care of those low armor saves and big nasty monstrous creatures. But don't waste your blasters and dark lances on them. We have something for big nasties, and they're called poison weapons.

Every Dark Eldar unit comes with either a splinter pistol, splinter rifle or splinter cannon. Splinter weapons are poison weapons that wound any model with a toughness on 4+. Most of the poison weapons are rapid fire or heavy 6/assault 4, enabling Dark Eldar to pour large volumes of fire into the enemy. Combine that with a ballistic skill of 4, and you have a deadly accurate army.

Shooting isn't the only place were Dark Eldar excel. Get a squad of Wyches into combat and see what these ladies can do. Wyches will strike first most of the time - they have an initiative of 6, three or more attacks on the charge, Power From Pain, and a 4+ invul save in H-T-H. This makes them a must have in any Dark Eldar force. Add in some squad upgrades and your Wyches are ready to kill anything in your way. Give them a much needed pain token and watch them survive the hardest close combat fights.

Mount those units in a raider or a venom so you can position your firepower wherever you need it. Having fragile, mobile transports can be hard to play since you are always looking for cover to keep them alive. No worries, just upgrade them with flickerfields and give them a 5+ invul save, adding much needed protection to your vehicles.

Okay, with that being said here is what I would take:
  • HQ
  • * Asdrubael Vect
  • Tip: Vect gives you that much needed bonus of going first!

  • * Kabalite Trueborn x4
  • * 2x Splinter Cannon, 2x Splinter Rifle
  • * Venom: Splinter Cannon
  • Tip: This Unit can dish out 20 poison shots on the move!

  • * Kabalite Trueborn x4
  • * 4x Blaster
  • * Venom: Splinter Cannon

  • * Kabalite Trueborn x4
  • * 4x Blaster
  • * Venom: Splinter Cannon

  • * Kabalite Warriors
  • * 5x Warriors, 1x Blaster
  • * Raider : Dark Lance, Flickerfield

  • * Kabalite Warriors
  • * 5x Warriors, 1x Blaster
  • * Raider : Dark Lance, Flickerfield

  • * Wyches x8
  • * Hekatrix - Agoniser
  • * Raider: Dark Lance, Flickerfield
  • Tip: Add Vect to this unit, to give him some support.

  • * Wyches x10
  • * 2x Hydra Gauntlets
  • * Haywire grenades
  • * Hekatrix - Agoniser
  • * Raider - Dark Lance, Flickerfield

  • * Wyches x10
  • * 2x Hydra Gauntlets
  • * Haywire grenades
  • * Hekatrix - Agoniser
  • * Raider - Dark Lance, Flickerfield

  • * Ravager - 3x Dark Lance, Flickerfield

  • * Ravager - 3x Dark Lance, Flickerfield

  • * Ravager - 3x Dark Lance, Flickerfield

  • Army has in total:
  • 11 Vehicles
  • 12 Dark Lances
  • 10 Blasters
  • 20 or more poison shots!
This army packs the firepower, mobility, and agility that make Dark Eldar evil. It also has some upgrades that will keep it alive. Now take what you have learned and go terrorize the table top!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

If something goes wrong at the plant, blame the guy who can't speak English.

Hey guys,

As I stated in my original post, I wanted to bring in some people as guest authors. I've decided to bring some people on as permanent contributors to the blog. Robin is a good buddy, and he very nicely fills in the gaps in my 40k knowledge. He wanted to get this post out there while I figure out how to give him full access.

Hey guys! Robin here.

Let me tell you some things about myself.
- I've been a 40K fan for years. I play at my local game store called "The Game Castle" with some great bunch of gamers.
- hobbyist / painter
- I have this crazy thing about how I roll my dice, been known around the game store as "The Robin Way".
He's not kidding, he won't roll the same dice for both hitting and wounding. - Max
- and oh yeah I'm 37.

I've been a 40k fan, off and on again, for about 10 years now! I play this game for the love of the models and the strategic aspect of the game. That's not to say that I don't mind smashing my opponents to pieces, all while trying to make the game as fun as possible. I can be a competitive player but I would consider myself a painter first. I've probably painted almost every army out there, either my own armies or one that was commissioned.

I currently play one army now, Dark Eldar. I have fallen into the deep dark parts of the webway and learned to love the dark. I will venture out of the webway to give my insight, experiences and thoughts on the Dark Eldar. Also, I'll try to pass my painting techniques to anyone willing to learn or listen.
I hope you all like or even dislike what I have to say. So please feel free to comment on anything I post!

Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try.

I promised a riveting Deathwing-related tournament post today, and it's here. My only issue is that I'm handing my friends information to help them beat me...oh well.

So, the first thing to do when approaching a tournament is to examine your army's strengths and weaknesses. With the new FAQ, Deathwing gained strength in a few areas, but retained it's glaring weaknesses. Let's take a look.

The Good:

- Almost all the wargear got brought up to codex marine standards.
- The hardest hitting unit in the codex is a troop choice.
- With the stormshield being a 3+ invulnerable save, your troops are now incredibly durable.
- The army is now pretty decent at de-mechanizing other armies, which is huge in this edition.
- Fearless troops mean your terminators won't be running at a crucial moment.

The Bad:

- Low model count.
- Very little mobility. I would argue Deathwing is the slowest army in the game.
- Drop Pods don't benefit from the Drop Pod assault rule.
- Relying on deep striking to close with the enemy quickly makes you dependent on reserve rolls. That can be painful.
- Fearless can be more of a detriment in the assault phase than a benefit.

My army can take a ridiculous amount of punishment, but it takes me a long time to get to grips with the enemy. I also need to constantly make sure I'm in a position to achieve mission objectives. The odds of me actually tabling someone with this army are incredibly slim, the vast majority of my games have been nailbiters down to the last minute. The deployment of my army will often dictate how well I do.

My main focus during deployment and the first few turns is to make sure I'm in a good position to take away my opponent's advantage of mobility. The biggest question I face during deployment is whether or not I'll be deepstriking my terminators. Against most of the tournament armies out there, I'm not going to. There are three issues with deepstriking: most tournament armies have a counter unit that can put the hurt on my squads I put near them, be it by shooting or assaulting, they can simply just move away, and it forces me to bring some of my squads in by reserve. The vast majority of the time, I'm better off starting with everything on the board and moving in such a way that the fight will be on my terms. While my terminators are durable, I'm not going to be able to handle a 10 man assault squad hitting me, or Sternguard jumping out of a rhino and combi-plasma double tapping me. I also want to maximize my shooting phase every turn. The best idea is to deploy and move as one, that way I can't be taken apart piecemeal.

I have two lists that I'm considering bringing to CarnageCon, a 2,000 point tournament I'll be attending at the beginning of November. It was a blast last year (there's a bar one floor above the gaming area), and I'd like to have a good showing this year. The first list is a little more standard and true to what I've been running lately. The second is a high risk, high reward army that has the ability to put out an intense amount of damage.

List One - You see my spaceship, this is a Dodge.




Upgraded Deathwing Terminator squad with 4 Thunderhammers/Stormshields, 1 Stormbolter/Powerfist/Cyclone Missile Launcher, Apothecary.

4 Deathwing Terminator Squads with 4 Thunderhammers/Stormshields, 1 Stormbolter/Powerfist/Cyclone Missile Launcher

Fast Attack:

3 Land Speeders with Multimelta and Cyclone Missile Launcher. These guys aren't in a squadron.

Heavy Support:

Land Raider Crusader

2 Predators with Autocannon and sponson Heavy Bolters

This list has a lot going for it. I'm running 25 terminators, and 6 vehicles. Saturation is huge for any tournament army, you want to make your opponent have to think about what they're going to shoot. If you bring 1 land raider or monstrous creature, it's going to be really easy to figure out where that melta/lascannon shot is going. My troops are all durable, so they'll most likely get where they need to be. I'm also throwing out a good amount of firepower a turn - 16 missiles, 3 multimeltas, and 8 shots from each predator is nothing to sneeze at. There's also a bit of mobility in the list with the land speeders, and they can be used to contest objectives last minute...provided they aren't blown out of the sky.

What's wrong with the list? The vehicles. Experience has shown me how easy it can be to make vehicles ineffective. All it takes is a crew stunned result to have my metal boxes reduced to doing nothing. You have to do 5 wounds to my terminator squad in order to just have a chance to kill the missile launcher and keep them from shooting.

Overall the list is solid. It can put out a good amount of anti-mech firepower, a decent amount of anti-horde, and it's solid in assault. I would feel very comfortable bringing this to the tournament.

List Two - I'm like your raincoat, bitch. You can't run.




10 Veterans with 6 Combi-Meltas, 2 Powerfists, 2 Meltabombs, Drop Pod.


Upgraded Deathwing Terminator squad with 4 Thunderhammers/Stormshields, 1 Stormbolter/Chainfist/Cyclone Missile Launcher, Apothecary.

4 Deathwing Terminator Squads with 4 Thunderhammers/Stormshields, 1 Stormbolter/Chainfist/Cyclone Missile Launcher

Deathwing Terminator Squad with 3 Stormbolters/Powerfists, 1 Stormbolter/Powersword/ 1 Assault Cannon/Powerfist.

This list removes the one issue I had with the other list, vehicles. Unfortunately, all of those anti-vehicle weapons are now aimed at my terminators, making the game hinge on my ability to make 3+ invulnerable saves. I do have 30 terminators to remove, making it very unlikely that I'm going to get tabled. The veteran squad can be hugely helpful, as it can combat squad and nuke two vehicles pretty reliably. The issue is that it's coming down by reserves. If they wait until turn 5 to come in, their killing potential is mostly wasted. While I think this list could do extremely well in some situations, it has a chance to crash and burn. I'll play test it before I make a verdict.

That's it for this article. Feel free to weigh in with comments. If you aren't following the blog, please make it happen. I would love to have some discussion.

- Max

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Your character provides the comic relief! Like, oh... Marlon Brando in "Apocalypse Now".

Hello, world. I'm Max Power, and I am on a mission to be another blogger that pollutes your internet. A bit about me:

- I'm 25.
- I live outside Boston, MA.
- I play at a local shop called "the Game Castle" with some excellent players.
- I work a job that I absolutely hate, but I am grateful that it generates disposable income for plastic soldiers.

The last point there is particularly important. 40k is an escape for me, I play because it takes me away from the nonsense of my 9-5. I would consider myself a competitive player, as I go to tournaments with the goal of winning as much as possible. On the same note, I do everything I can to be a great person to game against.

I've been playing 40k competitively for about 4 years now, and I've owned/traded/bought/sold every army in existence. So, I'm fairly familiar with much of the range. At the moment, I play two armies: Deathwing and Codex Marines. They will be the primary focus of my writings here on this blog. I have heavily considered having my friends as guest authors - I just need to be sure they'll be able to be regular and use as close to proper English as they can.

So, I will begin tomorrow with an article about my Deathwing, and how I plan to approach CarnageCon.

Until then. http://www.carnagecon.com/