Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Buddha's Corner - Scout Horde Army

Hey guys, Buddha here again, talking about the 10th company.

My first list I brought to 1250 point event. I was playing C:SM at the time, and I thought to myself; “Anyone can bring bike, or speeder. Hell, anyone can bring thunder bubble. But I need something no one will see coming!” I decided to run scouts.

In a 1250 list, I had the following

Librarian with Force Dome and Null Zone.

Tech-marine: nothing extra

Scout squad #1: 10 scouts with sniper rifles, 1 rocket

Scout squad #2: 10 scouts with sniper rifles, 1 rocket

Scout squad #3: 10 scouts with shotguns

Scout squad #4: 10 scouts with bolt pistol/ccw

Scout squad #5: 10 scouts with bolt pistol/ccw

Scout squad #6: 9 scouts with bolt pistol/ccw

Land raider: nothing extra.

Where we play there is a lot of ruins, so I took a chance on a tech-marine instead of camo cloaks, only to save some points.

The main theme of this army is that the snipers will draw a lot of fire until the other 4 squads come into play. Scouts are the same as marines - I know that sounds crazy, but let me point this out. 10 scouts with any normal weapon load out it 140 points. 10 space marines are 170. So, for 40 points less, you have 10 troops, that are just tough, just 1 point weaker armor. You can give them camo cloaks, plus sniper rifles, and you are paying the same amount of points for tactical marines.

The benefit of this is for around 850 points you can get 6 troop choices, that can infiltrate, get a scout move, outflank, and move through cover. Not to shabby if you think about it.

This list was really fun to play, and it worked a lot better then I thought it would. I've placed 2nd both times I've used it, but I could have come in dead last and still would have had a blast.

Once again I'll leave you with some parting words.

An open battlefield is nothing but a death trap - in war any visible target is a casualty no matter how well protected it may be.


  1. I like the idea of the army. Proof that a horde of marine statline bodies will put the hurt on almost anything out there. How would you expand on the army?

  2. My next goal is to get between 9 to 15 scout bikes for the fast attack. I'll see where it leaves me point wise, but for 2k I'm thinking about either adding 2 vindies or, drop dreads, to keep with the fast theme.
