Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I'm back, baby.


I apologize for the silence over the last couple months. The holidays, in combination with a horrendous time at work, and general lethargy towards wargaming had squashed my muse entirely.

The first two excuses above are self-explanatory, the last part, however, needs to be explained a bit. Those who know my wargaming habits know that I hop around from army to army. I had gotten stuck in a rut. I had two armies: my Deathwing, and my codex marines. I've been playing my Deathwing hardcore for about a year now, and I was feeling like I needed a break from them, but I wanted something to keep me competitive. I had posted a grand article about Space Sharks using the Blood Angels codex before my hiatus, and I did try the list I proposed. I came to a conclusion after playing it - mechanized assaulting marines bore me to death. That left me with two options: my Codex Marines, or a new army. I tried going the new army route.

So, since Christmas, I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out what new army I wanted to play. I wanted a competitive army with relatively new rules. Ultimately, I ended up with a Draigowing Grey Knight army. I played it a few times, but it just didn't do it for me either. As I looked at more and more armies, I became convinced that I was just going to lose interest in 40k, and walk off into the sunset. However, as I was organizing my apartment the other day, I came across my Codex Marines book, and the cover art reminded me one of the two reasons I got into 40k. Firstly, I absolutely love the image of the heroic space marine holding the line with his bolter. Secondly, terminators are the shit, enough said. So, with that in mind, I took inventory of my collection. Terminators? Check. Space Marines with bolters? Check. My muse began to wake up.

All I've been able to tell myself the last few days is that there's no way I could make a reasonably competitive list with Codex Marines without copying every Vulkan-led netlist out there. Determined to prove myself wrong, I took a half day off work today, and spent it trying to come up with a Codex Marines list that would win me games. Here's what I came up with:


Chapter Master Pedro Kantor - Pedro is my boy. His +1 attack aura is awesome, and I happen to like stubborn after failing one too many morale checks and fearless armor saves. More importantly, he makes Sternguard scoring.


2 10 man Sternguard squads - 3 combi-meltas, sergeant with combi-melta and power fist, rhino. - Tank busting ability, specialty ammo, and they aren't slouches in combat. Now they are scoring.

Terminator Assault squad - 5 thunderhammer/stormshields - This unit is automatically included with any of my lists. Pedro's bodyguard.


2 10 man Tactical squads - meltagun, missile launcher, sergeant with combi-weapon and chainsword, razorback with twin-linked assault cannons. - More tank busting ability that scores. The razorbacks will also give me a little more versatile firepower.

Heavy Support:

Land Raider Crusader - extra armor, multi-melta. - Pedro's ride.

2 Predators - autocannon, heavy bolters. - 85 points for some serious anti-infantry and light transport firepower. I'll take two, please.

Ultimately, I think the list is damn solid. I have a ton of firepower, 40 power armored scoring bodies, and some units that rock in combat. General strategy will see the Sternguard ride up with Pedro and his Terminators, taking advantage of the aura. The razorbacks will most likely hang out in midfield to lay down some fire, and to deploy the combat squads to block other units from getting to my base. The other half of the combat squads with most likely hang back with the predators and shoot people up. I'm ordering all the bits I need tonight to get my army up to WYSIWYG. I'll have to figure out how to con Robin into teaching me how to paint my models to the standard he used with the rest of my army. Good to be back, expect more posts coming soon.


Let me have it, guys. I've been quiet for a while. Poke holes in the list!


  1. Why not go Las Twin linked Plasma on the Razorbacks for more tank punch? I have a slight feeling its because 4 dice hitting is better than one Lascannon, that and your not Blood Angels so your tanks ain't fast. Other than that, looks solid overall.

  2. You hit the nail on the head, Cardin. I picked the assault cannons because it's harder for me to miss with four, twin-linked dice.

  3. First, where is your librarian? Second, I don't know how many points your list is or if you have points for another heavy support but you can take one landraider as a dedicated transport for your terminator squad. Freeing up that heavy support slot for one more predator couldn't hurt.

  4. List is 2,000 points. I don't like doing the Land Raider as a dedicated transport, purely because the terminators are the only unit that can start in it. I like to have options. As far as the librarian goes, I've been playing without one for so long, that I don't feel like I need to take one anymore. I know the benefits of nullzone and a psychic hood, but I honestly felt that hundred points was better spend elsewhere.

  5. Librarians can change the game with one good psychic defense, playing as eldar, there is nothing better than casting fortune or guide or doom without any opposition, or screwing with all the grey knight hammerhands, GRANTED a few of the big armies really have no tests to make, like wolves dont do much casting just nullifying, dark eldar dont cast, neither do guard, but like i said it really makes me play a little less balls to the wall when i know someone can stop my precious fortune for my farseer squad on bikes, if you stop it, the squad dies

  6. I'll agree with Max on this one. I've been playing Dark Angels green wing for years now. Very rarely do I take a Librarian, but then again our's are terribad. AS far as I can remember the only armies with no psy are Tau and Dark Elder.

  7. Max once told me that every list begins with a Librarian. =P

  8. I used to agree, but I've been playing without one for a while now, so I've gotten used to it. If it really becomes a problem, I can always drop two sternguard and a combi from each squad.

  9. It's the other way to go without Vulcan. I thought of doing both but you can't really. I would throw las on one pred. You have to have that one long range tank. To many people play mid field and prepare just for mid short game. One long range can save the day.
