Thursday, October 13, 2011

If something goes wrong at the plant, blame the guy who can't speak English.

Hey guys,

As I stated in my original post, I wanted to bring in some people as guest authors. I've decided to bring some people on as permanent contributors to the blog. Robin is a good buddy, and he very nicely fills in the gaps in my 40k knowledge. He wanted to get this post out there while I figure out how to give him full access.

Hey guys! Robin here.

Let me tell you some things about myself.
- I've been a 40K fan for years. I play at my local game store called "The Game Castle" with some great bunch of gamers.
- hobbyist / painter
- I have this crazy thing about how I roll my dice, been known around the game store as "The Robin Way".
He's not kidding, he won't roll the same dice for both hitting and wounding. - Max
- and oh yeah I'm 37.

I've been a 40k fan, off and on again, for about 10 years now! I play this game for the love of the models and the strategic aspect of the game. That's not to say that I don't mind smashing my opponents to pieces, all while trying to make the game as fun as possible. I can be a competitive player but I would consider myself a painter first. I've probably painted almost every army out there, either my own armies or one that was commissioned.

I currently play one army now, Dark Eldar. I have fallen into the deep dark parts of the webway and learned to love the dark. I will venture out of the webway to give my insight, experiences and thoughts on the Dark Eldar. Also, I'll try to pass my painting techniques to anyone willing to learn or listen.
I hope you all like or even dislike what I have to say. So please feel free to comment on anything I post!


  1. It's worth noting that Robin is infinitely better than me with web stuff as well. He'll be goofing with the format and whatnot.
