Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Your character provides the comic relief! Like, oh... Marlon Brando in "Apocalypse Now".

Hello, world. I'm Max Power, and I am on a mission to be another blogger that pollutes your internet. A bit about me:

- I'm 25.
- I live outside Boston, MA.
- I play at a local shop called "the Game Castle" with some excellent players.
- I work a job that I absolutely hate, but I am grateful that it generates disposable income for plastic soldiers.

The last point there is particularly important. 40k is an escape for me, I play because it takes me away from the nonsense of my 9-5. I would consider myself a competitive player, as I go to tournaments with the goal of winning as much as possible. On the same note, I do everything I can to be a great person to game against.

I've been playing 40k competitively for about 4 years now, and I've owned/traded/bought/sold every army in existence. So, I'm fairly familiar with much of the range. At the moment, I play two armies: Deathwing and Codex Marines. They will be the primary focus of my writings here on this blog. I have heavily considered having my friends as guest authors - I just need to be sure they'll be able to be regular and use as close to proper English as they can.

So, I will begin tomorrow with an article about my Deathwing, and how I plan to approach CarnageCon.

Until then.